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Light Skin vs Dark Skin- Which is Better? This is for The Grown A$$ Woman

Writer's picture: Shareza JShareza J

Oh, PLeeease we already know which is better. Hell, “The Blacker the Berry the Sweeter the Juice” Right? No wait, “Yellow Bone is What He Wants.”

We have been so victimized as a people that we still have this sick notation that one is better than the other. Why in the hell does it matter anyway? All racial minorities in the United States have been victimized by the dominant group. We have been programmed to believe THE LIGHTER- the better, the prettier; the more attractive, yes, even the smarter.

As women (let’s BE 21 ‘Bout It) …... Its not just the light skinned or “redbones” looking down on the darker skinned women. Dark skinned women have built a sense of hatred towards the lighter ones as well. We tend to create a false perception of one another based off the outer appearance. We have gone as far as allowing men to make us feel worthless because of our complexion. Little do we know this was all designed by our oppressors. I think its time we went back in History; say…1712

1712 The Willie Lynch Letter - The Making of a Slave, “Youmust use the Dark Skin Slaves vs. the Light Skin Slaves and the Light Skin Slaves vs. the Dark Skin Slaves. You must use the Female vs. the Male, and the Male vs. the Female. You must also have your white servants and overseers Distrust all Blacks, but it is necessary your slaves trust and depend on us. They must love, respect, and trust only us.”

It is definitely important for us to know how and why we are the way we are. However, as a people we must also understand that we have the POWER to DEPROGRAM the PROGRAMMED Mind. Colorism is real and unfortunately, we have lost so many battles behind the stigma of which complexion is BETTER. No matter your shade or what anyone says about you. It time to put away the stigma and stereotypes and LOVE YOUR DAMN SISTAH- No matter the Complexion; Just stay Flexin’.

~ Shareza J Wilkerson

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