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Sista Deprogrammed is written from the heart of a woman who once had no idea who she was.


She is sharing her life to encourage women and demonstrate how to grow, be free and redefine themselves. Through her personal stories of adversity and triumphs she inspires women to create their own definition. One of life's greatest challenges is confronting the plethora of childhood hurts and adult disappointments. Learning from your mistakes and choices is a pathway to personal growth and freedom. As she reveals the most intimate details of her life,

Jackson's powerful testimony will give you courage to face your challenges through complete transparency.


Imagine being sixteen and pregnant. Suddenly, the person you thought would be there for you was tragically taken away. You face one disappoint after another by circumstance or choice.


With little guidance and no direction, she feels alone, afraid, and confused as to what to do next; it's too late to find out because life has just flipped upside down. Accompany Jackson on her journey as she revisits painful memories in her childhood and life altering events in her adulthood, see what happens as Jackson creates her own definition of freedom.


My purpose is not to tell you what to do. But rather, exemplify how I was able to overcome my circumstances and choices in hopes you are encouraged and motivated to find meaning within.

Sistah Deprogrammed

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